(“Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus,” Lemmel, H. H., 1922)

Lord, this is Your gift of strong faith in the crisis: crying to You, seeking You, and turning our eyes upon Jesus. Who understands our needs more than You do? For He willingly experienced it all for us. It may feel like we’re abandoned when heavy darkness surrounds us, violent attacks abound, and depression takes hold.

You compassionately know what it’s like. 

Please help those who need Your words of a gospel love song today.

I’m too exhausted even to pray

Help me remember Your gospel love song, Lord

Help me remember Your glorious gospel song, Your love, for me, in Jesus Christ

Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us (Rom. 8:34 ESV).

I remember who You ARE, shown to me in Your mighty deeds, the work of Jesus Christ, Your gospel love song

I remember Your gospel love song’s promises, to save Your people

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want (Ps. 23:1 ESV).

To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen (Rev. 1:5b-6 ESV).

Give me simple songs to help me remember, singing the gospel of Jesus Christ into crisis attacks and depression

When crisis attacks, when trauma is ongoing, when pain is 20/10, when depression overtakes us, our brains can only process “simple.” In these most desperate times, we need repetitive songs that quickly become memorized earworms! Our compassionate Lord can bring to mind as we need them, helping us sing-pray truths of His Word as we cry aloud to Him. 

Based on my many years of professional and personal experience, I’ve professionally curated a playlist for times when we can barely think or focus. The songs echo gospel truths as “praise interruptions” to help us turn our eyes upon Jesus. Praise to our Lord, for He also brings endurance through the music, because it fosters healing neurochemical reactions in our brains and bodies. 

If this might bless you or someone you love, here is the link to receive weekly playlists in your email, with my love and prayers. Or perhaps other resources below might help?

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